Re: [svgwg] Incorrect description of path horizontal and vertical movement (#937)

When you Google 'svg spec', the first link is the one I used (SVG 2).

Whenever you read about any tag on MDN, it links to SVG 2 as the spec.

If SVG 2 is not supposed to be the primary version, then that is a second bug. At no point did I have any earthly idea it was not supposed to be final. I see now it has a red bar on the side of the page, but if I glanced past that with any more care than a banner ad, I still would not have realized it meant "Unofficial Beta Version! Do not use!". Calling it "Editor's draft" to me sounds like more jargon like RFC ("request for comments"), scientific "theory", legal "doctrine", standard "model". For all I know, you just call it "editor's draft" out of similar cute convention. It certainly doesn't warn me that it's something still undergoing upheaval.

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