Re: [svgwg] Redefine special parsing rules for presentation attributes to match quirky CSS (#792)

I have some additional questions related to [the fix-up algorithm]( in particular:
1. After parsing the `<number>`, how should it be interpreted? I assume it should become a `<length>` in `px`, or an `<angle>` in `deg`, similar to the CSS unitless-length quirk?
2. How do [range restrictions]( on the `<angle>`s or `<length>`s apply to these `<number>`s?
3. Just specifying these as accepting `<number>` means implicitly allowing any function notation that evaluates to `<number>`. Is that intentional? eg: `calc(42 * 3)` is valid as an `<angle>` or `<length>` under the current description.
4. "Replace all instances of..." seems to mean that functions like `atan(30)` would be valid that should only accept `<angle>` as a parameter.

My impression is that this is supposed to behave like the unitless-length quirk, but some CSS definitions have changed in the mean time and the spec no longer matches that intention.

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