Re: [svgwg] Provide ability to control animation direction of SVG animation elements (#881)

Note, that to-animations have a special behaviour, unfortunately in some critical situations still interpreted wrong in different viewers.
It animates from the underlying value to the to-value.
Due to other animations this underlying value can be a little more complex to determine than for other, simpler animations, what may cause some confusion for some authors and implementors.
Not a good idea to add more complexity to this specific to-animation with another attribute.

If you do not need this specific behaviour, it is better to use a values-animation (or for only two the equivalent from-to-animation).

To reverse you simply note instead of 'to="?"': values="0; 20; 33; 22; 0" additive="sum" accumulate="sum" repeatDur="indefinite".

If you need to have an effect of pausing the animation, you can repeat the same value:
values="0; 20; 33; 33; 22; 0" etc.
With keyTimes you can define precisely the interval length of each subsequence.

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