from February 2022 by subject

[svg-aam] Merged Pull Request: remove jquery

[svg-aam] Pull Request: remove jquery

[svgwg] <svg:use> shadow tree shouldn't be open. (#875)

[svgwg] [i18n] Language fragment identifier for conditional processing (#201)

[svgwg] Add circular arc path command 'R'. (#767)

[svgwg] Add the `media` attribute to selection criteria for `<switch>` (#832)

[svgwg] Clarify <iframe> behavior in <svg:use> (#876)

[svgwg] Interpretation of how to handle surfaceScale in feDiffuseLighting when rendering to different sizes (#873)

[svgwg] Is "M0,0L100,0ZL100,50L200,200ZL,0,200Z" 1 subpath or 3? (#866)

[svgwg] Issue: SVG Native and Accessibility APIs (#874) marked as a11y-needs-resolution

[svgwg] Issue: SVG Native and Accessibility APIs (#874) marked as SVG Native

[svgwg] SVG Native and Accessibility APIs (#874)

Last message date: Monday, 28 February 2022 09:37:32 UTC