[svgwg] Issue: Place of SVG presentation attributes in the CSS cascade (#596) marked as Needs editing

dirkschulze has just labeled an issue for https://github.com/w3c/svgwg as "Needs editing":

== Place of SVG presentation attributes in the CSS cascade ==
The current ED of SVG2 [says](https://svgwg.org/svg2-draft/styling.html#PresentationAttributes):

> Presentation attributes contribute to the author level of the cascade, _following all other_ author-level style sheets, and have specificity 0.

This seems to imply that style declarations "generated" from the presentation attributes are added _at the end_ of the author styles and thus should override the "regular" author styles with zero specificity (e.g. `* { fill: red }`). This is dramatically different from the definition in SVG 1.1, where they were inserted "_at the start_ of the author style sheet", and since browsers seem to follow the SVG 1.1 rules, the change would be unlikely web-compatible.

Isn't it a typo? Shouldn't the spec say "..._followed by_ all other author-level style sheets" instead (or even something more unambiguous, like that "...at the start of..." from the old spec)?

See https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/596

Received on Friday, 23 November 2018 06:21:55 UTC