Re: [svgwg] SVGGeometry.prototype.isPointInStroke vs. vector-effects

The SVG Working Group just discussed `SVGGeometry.prototype.isPointInStroke vs. vector-effects`, and agreed to the following:

* ``RESOLUTION: vector-effects property contributes to hit-testing and `isPointInStroke`.``

<details><summary>The full IRC log of that discussion</summary>
&lt;AmeliaBR> Topic: SVGGeometry.prototype.isPointInStroke vs. vector-effects<br>
&lt;AmeliaBR> github:<br>
&lt;SairusPatel> "Sairus &amp; Dean at Adobe" should be: "Myles &amp; Dean at Apple". I may have misspoken<br>
&lt;AmeliaBR> s/Sairus &amp; Dean at Adobe/Myles &amp; Dean at Apple/<br>
&lt;AmeliaBR> s/"Sairus &amp; Dean at Adobe" should be: "Myles &amp; Dean at Apple". I may have misspoken//<br>
&lt;AmeliaBR> Dirk: Question is whether vector-effect is just a visual effect or whether it actually affects geometry, and therefore hit-testing and the API.<br>
&lt;AmeliaBR> ... I'd like to get a resolution to adopt fsoder's recommendation: vector-effect should affect these APIs.<br>
&lt;AmeliaBR> Amelia: Agree that's ideal. Only concern was implementation cost, but I think browsers are already doing all the calculations so there shouldn't be much overhead.<br>
&lt;AmeliaBR> Dirk: I don't think there is any implementation concern.<br>
&lt;AmeliaBR> RESOLUTION: vector-effects property contributes to hit-testing and `isPointInStroke`.<br>

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Received on Monday, 5 November 2018 21:13:13 UTC