from April 2018 by subject

[svgwg] "mode" of a shadow root which <use> element uses is unclear

[svgwg] 'd' presentation attribute: use path() function

[svgwg] Add <a> to "text content element" category

[svgwg] Add DocumentAndElementEventHandlers

[svgwg] Add HTMLOrSVGElement mixn

[svgwg] Add or update dfns for definitions

[svgwg] Add text-transform property to the list of required CSS properties

[svgwg] Allow more properties to be applied on <a> inside <text>

[svgwg] Bounding box algorithm is not precise

[svgwg] Browsers do not implement transform attribute syntax as described by w3c

[svgwg] Change SVGMeshElement to derive from SVGGraphicsElement

[svgwg] Clarify hit testing behavior of <foreignObject>

[svgwg] Clarify relation of isPointInFill and pointer-events

[svgwg] Closed Pull Request: Add text-transform property to the list of required CSS properties

[svgwg] Closed Pull Request: Change SVGMeshElement to derive from SVGGraphicsElement

[svgwg] context-value UA rules for OpenType are giving unexpected rendering / compat problems

[svgwg] Convert SVG linking reftests to .svg files

[svgwg] Cut down number of categories

[svgwg] Deprecate type attribute on SVGStyleElement?

[svgwg] Do we need to replace DOMStringMap?

[svgwg] Do we really need not to reflect additional enum values in SVG 2

[svgwg] Fixed path grammar

[svgwg] How does vector-effect=non-scaling-stroke interact with the stroke-dash* properties

[svgwg] Issue: Bounding box algorithm is not precise marked as Co-ordinates chapter

[svgwg] Issue: Browsers do not implement transform attribute syntax as described by w3c marked as Needs CSS WG

[svgwg] Issue: Clarify relation of isPointInFill and pointer-events marked as Agenda+

[svgwg] Issue: Do we really need not to reflect additional enum values in SVG 2 marked as SVG Markers

[svgwg] Issue: dur attribute should permit leading . marked as Agenda+

[svgwg] Issue: Remove "style attributes" from all element definitions marked as SVG Core

[svgwg] Issue: Rename SVGBoundingBoxOptions to SVGBoundingBoxOptionsInit marked as Basic Data Types and Interfaces chapter

[svgwg] Issue: Replace <opacity-value> with <alpha-value> marked as SVG Core

[svgwg] Issue: Shouldn't getCharNumAtPosition take an argument of type DOMPointReadOnly rather than DOMPoint marked as Agenda+

[svgwg] Issue: Start using URL (instead of URI reference) marked as Needs editing

[svgwg] Issue: The computed value of fill-opacity and stroke-opacity should never be a percentage marked as SVG Core

[svgwg] Issue: What should happen if you try to set an out of range value on an enum in the DOM marked as Agenda+

[svgwg] Issue: Wrong description of "visibility" property marked as Document structure chapter

[svgwg] Make SVGAnimatedX data types extend DOMX data types wherever possible

[svgwg] Merged Pull Request: Add HTMLOrSVGElement mixn

[svgwg] Merged Pull Request: Clarify patternTransform/linearTransform presentation attriute behavi…

[svgwg] Merged Pull Request: Fixes #407 copy-pasto in viewBox definition

[svgwg] Merged Pull Request: Keep the linting minions happy

[svgwg] Merged Pull Request: Revisions to sentence on focusable elements

[svgwg] Merged Pull Request: Update SVG interfaces to use mixins where possible in all SVG specs. Issue #353

[svgwg] new commits pushed by dirkschulze

[svgwg] new commits pushed by dstorey

[svgwg] Pull Request: Add DocumentAndElementEventHandlers

[svgwg] Pull Request: Add HTMLOrSVGElement mixn

[svgwg] Pull Request: Add or update dfns for definitions

[svgwg] Pull Request: Fixes #407 copy-pasto in viewBox definition

[svgwg] Pull Request: Keep the linting minions happy

[svgwg] Pull Request: Update SVGAElement to match attributes on HTMLAnchorElement

[svgwg] Pull Request: Use DOMPointInit argument for getCharNumAtPosition. #389

[svgwg] Remove "style attributes" from all element definitions

[svgwg] Remove "text content child element" category

[svgwg] Remove support for segment-completing close path

[svgwg] Rename SVGBoundingBoxOptions to SVGBoundingBoxOptionsInit

[svgwg] Replace <opacity-value> with <alpha-value>

[svgwg] Revisions to sentence on focusable elements

[svgwg] Shouldn't getCharNumAtPosition take an argument of type DOMPointReadOnly rather than DOMPoint

[svgwg] Start using URL (instead of URI reference)

[svgwg] SVG MIME Type (image/svg+xml) is misleading to developers

[svgwg] SVG2 path data coordinates are currently spec'd as integers.

[svgwg] SVGAElement implements two conflicting interfaces

[svgwg] The computed value of fill-opacity and stroke-opacity should never be a percentage

[svgwg] The computed value of fill-opacity stroke-opacity should never be a percentage

[svgwg] Typo in viewBox attribute type definition

[svgwg] Update SVG interfaces to use mixins where possible in all SVG specs. Issue #353

[svgwg] Update SVGAElement to match attributes on HTMLAnchorElement

[svgwg] Update SVGScriptElement and SVGImageElement to use src?

[svgwg] Use <dfn> for definitions

[svgwg] Use DOMPointInit argument for getCharNumAtPosition. #389

[svgwg] What should happen if you try to set an out of range value on an enum in the DOM

[svgwg] Wrong description of "visibility" property

[svgwg] Wrong description of percentage units

Closed: [svgwg] "mode" of a shadow root which <use> element uses is unclear

Closed: [svgwg] Add <a> to "text content element" category

Closed: [svgwg] Browsers do not implement transform attribute syntax as described by w3c

Closed: [svgwg] Do we need to replace DOMStringMap?

Closed: [svgwg] Move dataset & other shared IDL attributes from SVGElement to HTMLOrSVGElement

Closed: [svgwg] Remove "text content child element" category

Closed: [svgwg] Typo in viewBox attribute type definition

Closed: [svgwg] Update WebIDL definition(s) to use new mixin syntax

Last message date: Monday, 30 April 2018 21:50:27 UTC