Re: Planet SVG is down

Hi, Helder-

Helder Magalhães wrote (on 10/10/10 3:29 AM):
> Yeah, I kinda knew that it was something like that, reason why I ended
> up sending this to the IG. :-)

There's another thread going on in SVG-Developers, which has a higher 

>> I expect that I'll probably go back to hosting it
>>  in a rather stripped-down, easily-maintained form.  What specific features
>>  should I retain?
> To be honest, it feels like all the effort put in (the previously
> version available of) wasn't as well accepted by the
> community as we'd like. :-|  Nevertheless, I guess the main team
> involved with the site (Rob Russell, Manuel Strehl, Doug, etc.)
> definitely deserves an applause! :-)
> In terms of features, I'd drop the previously available blog section
> (as most people blogging there already have their own blogs anyway).


> I really liked for the wiki thing, and I'd seriously suggest
>   1. A wiki: I guess many feel comfortable at editing a wiki, specially
> if it doesn't require an account but has a good spam bot and content
> moderators (probably us, for a start?);

Ok, I can set up a mediawiki instance.  I'm not up on the latest 
spambots, and the only way I know to limit spam is an account, but I can 
set up OpenID access.

I'm pretty sure it shouldn't be a problem to port over the old wiki 
content... I don't know if I still have it handy in mediawiki form, I 
trust Rob does.

>   2. A blog feed aggregation service, for SVG-related blog entries
> (kind of Apache Plannet committers [1], but probably filtered by SVG
> or similar tags/categories, to avoid getting high volume with little
> interesting content) of people blogging about SVG (Doug, Jeff, Shelley
> Powers, Sam Ruby, etc.)

What software do people recommend?

>   3. A Twitter et. al. (,, etc.) aggregation feed
> (better filtered than my primitive search [2] - I guess Jeff has a
> better one; I'd suggest filtering Wikimedia content -
> - which has been a source of many potentially low
> interest entries in terms of news content), so that one could easily
> syndicate and receive a set of interesting stuff (this is tightly
> related with the blog-related and might even become part of the same
> feed...?

Can someone look into how to best manage this, with what software and 
what filters?

>   4. A main blog for important site-related (and SVG-related?)
> announcements (I'd expect it to be low volume);

Easy enough to set up.

> This might already be too many features for a "stripped-down" form,

It's fine... if we can get people with time to maintain it.

> but I'd really feel like the SVG community already starts to have
> enough (?) content, it's just that it's a bit spread. For example, I
> have more than a dozen SVG-related RSS feeds in order to be aware of
> what's going on and I'm not following many blogs of individuals and I
> seriously doubt many will go though the hassle of setting up/tweaking
> their feed reader so much as I already did).

Since you've already gone through the trouble of doing this, do you want 
to take charge of the aggregation task?

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG and WebApps WGs

Received on Sunday, 10 October 2010 17:02:17 UTC