More acid tests

The demos here are all related in many ways, and some of the browser failings observed may be due to the fact that I didn't want to write code to interpolate between "fuchsia" and "papayawhip" so I restricted things for now to rgb(r,g,b) interpolations for the fill attribute.

Anyhow, the stuff is material I am preparing for SVGOpen, about the <replicate> tag that I will be proposing to the SVG WG. If added into the spec it (and its allies like <replicateTransform> <replicatMotion> etc.) would do for SVG-space sort of what SMIL does for SVG-time:  i.e., a new class of scriptless, but very cool objects. New classes of gradients, patterns, and 2.5-D objects can be made with the replicate tag.

These 10 examples have all been tested in Opera, IE, FF, Chrome and Safari. As expected, Opera and IE do best, but each browser encounters some problems. Don't try to reuse the JavaScript just yet, please since it still fragile and under development.

So in addition to a cute set of acid tests (with illustrations), this group may also consider this as an interface design issue: by what method might users best use hooks from markup into an expanded universe of possibilities?


Received on Tuesday, 6 April 2010 16:47:24 UTC