Reviewing chapters of the book

In our last audio-conference, I promised to try to remember who volunteered for what vis a vis reviewing the book. Here's what I could find:

Chapter 5 - Rob Russell
Chapter 2 - G. Wade Johnson
Brief section on XSLT w/ SVG -- Shaun Roe (already done) -- Helder mentioned an interest in this. Maybe Helder could take a look at what Shaun has done and review it for consistency with the rest of the book?

Helder and Ruud have been doing parts of the whole book; Helder said he was up to about Chapter 4 back in June.

Just to remind folks of the current status:

The versions at

are the same except for styling (and the fact that the former is frozen and points to the latter). Both are relatively current, containing, for example, references to Chrome, i-phone, Safari, and even to limited SMIL in some non-Opera/IE browsers having been revised this summer to reflect some recent developments.

The afterword ( ) contains most of the comments that I as well as 6 or 7 readers have recommended for directions in which the book should be developed. 
Again, it makes sense to me, if someone, who is able to devote the time to learning the W3C CMS, could take on the role of primary editor, since my current efforts have been largely usurped by the other priorities. 


Received on Monday, 30 November 2009 14:21:39 UTC