Torture tests for SVG

I'd love to get the ball rolling on SVG torture tests. A few bug  
bearers of mine that I'd like to get working across browsers, as they  
only seem to work in Opera:

* Including a SVG image as a CSS background-image with no explicit  
size of the SVG image, such as percentage width and height. This  
breaks Safari, while other non-Opera browsers do not support  


* Including a SVG image as a CSS background-image with an explicit  
size, but with an external resource via the <use/> element.


* The same as the first example (using % width/height) but included  
via the image element. Only works in Opera.


* Including a SVG image via the HTML <img/> element. Works in Opera,  
displays too small in Safari (not sure why), and doesn't work in  


It should be trivial to put all of these in one file, and for example  
make all the SVG green with red backgrounds behind them (via CSS), so  
if any red shows through the test is failed. This is quite boring  
visually though compared to an Acid test. Alternatively, it would be  
possible to make each SVG image like a piece of a jigsaw puzzle, where  
each image has to show to pass the test.

There are quite a lot of torture tests that could be done for SMIL.  
For example in my test file 
  the blink ( via 		<animate attributeType="CSS"  
attributeName="visibility" to="visible" begin="3.7s;4.3s;4.9s;5.5s"  
dur="0.3s" fill="freeze"/> ) and the rotating circle (via a  
animateTransform) both don't work/

David Storey

Chief Web Opener / Product Manager, Opera Dragonfly
W3C WG:  Mobile Web Best Practices / SVG Interest Group

Opera Software ASA, Oslo, Norway
Mobile: +47 94 22 02 32

Received on Sunday, 11 October 2009 20:05:41 UTC