Nov 6th Conference Call Agenda

Alright, time to get back into the SVG IG with our twice-monthly
conference calls!  We'll probably spend much of this call catching up
from the last month.  If you want to add a topic, please reply to the
mailing list and CC me.

NOTE That in many parts of the US we underwent the Daylight Savings
Time change so please calculate the conference time accordingly.

- every other Thursday (this week, Nov 6th)
- 11:00 to 12:00 AM EST (check the wiki for your local time)
- phone bridge number is +1.617.761.6200,  conference 78444 ("SVGIG")
- as usual, we will be meeting concurrently in a chat room, on channel
#svgig (irc://, port 6665);


1) Process
- any new members this month?

2) SVG Community Website
- now at its new location (
- still needs theming
- needs editors and contributors for tutorials
- other plans:
   a) Separate Feeds for News/Blogs/Forums?
   b) Email subscriptions for forums and forum topics?
   c) contents and layout of the front/home page?
   d) Mechanism to uploading SVG files (moderated)?

3) SVG Open 2009
- any new updates?

4) SVG News
- SVGT 1.2 through Last Call
- background on SVG 2.0 Core
- NOTE: Doug may not be joining this week so we may table this topic
until next call

Jeff Schiller

Received on Tuesday, 4 November 2008 20:17:13 UTC