Re: Domain for the SVG community site

I sent a message off-list with the particulars, we should be able to 
figure it out this afternoon.

Rob Russell

Doug Schepers wrote:
> Hi, Rob-
> Since people like, where shall I redirect the domain?
> Thanks-
> -Doug
> Rob wrote (on 10/16/08 7:30 PM):
>> Yeah, as far as I remember the only reason to use was that
>> it was a simple thing we could do until we got a final domain name. I
>> thought it might be a move I could make in a couple days but I just
>> haven't found the time to do that yet. Until I saw the messages on the
>> list today, I thought that was still what I was supposed to be doing.
>> The resolution of the (permanent) domain name Action Item in the last
>> telcon was that we'd hash it out on the mailing list. Since the thread
>> is started, I guess we could do that now?
>> Doug Schepers wrote:
>>> Hi, Folks-
>>> I own, and I'm happy to donate it, and direct it wherever
>>> we need.
>>> Regards-
>>> -Doug
>>> Christophe Strobbe wrote (on 10/16/08 5:37 PM):
>>>> Hi,
>>>> At 20:22 16/10/2008, Jeff Schiller wrote:
>>>>> As per our last conversation, I believe we had decided to move the
>>>>> community site to for the medium term until a better
>>>>> domain opens up.  This domain is owned by Rob today and is hosted on
>>>>> 1and1 (where the current prototype site is also located), so ideally
>>>>> the transfer will be easier than having to migrate a full site (Rob,
>>>>> please let us know).
>>>> Should the domain be one that is already owned by one of us?
>>>> If is not available, there is also, etc.
>>>> For a lark I also checked (for those who like the Virgin
>>>> Islands) and it's still available.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Christophe
>>>>> Any further thoughts on this before the move starts to happen?
>>>>> Rob is there any way I (we) can help?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Jeff Schiller

Received on Friday, 17 October 2008 15:06:26 UTC