Re: Domain for the SVG community site

Yeah, as far as I remember the only reason to use was that 
it was a simple thing we could do until we got a final domain name. I 
thought it might be a move I could make in a couple days but I just 
haven't found the time to do that yet. Until I saw the messages on the 
list today, I thought that was still what I was supposed to be doing.

The resolution of the (permanent) domain name Action Item in the last 
telcon was that we'd hash it out on the mailing list. Since the thread 
is started, I guess we could do that now?

Doug Schepers wrote:
> Hi, Folks-
> I own, and I'm happy to donate it, and direct it wherever
> we need.
> Regards-
> -Doug
> Christophe Strobbe wrote (on 10/16/08 5:37 PM):
>> Hi,
>> At 20:22 16/10/2008, Jeff Schiller wrote:
>>> As per our last conversation, I believe we had decided to move the
>>> community site to for the medium term until a better
>>> domain opens up.  This domain is owned by Rob today and is hosted on
>>> 1and1 (where the current prototype site is also located), so ideally
>>> the transfer will be easier than having to migrate a full site (Rob,
>>> please let us know).
>> Should the domain be one that is already owned by one of us?
>> If is not available, there is also, etc.
>> For a lark I also checked (for those who like the Virgin
>> Islands) and it's still available.
>> Best regards,
>> Christophe
>>> Any further thoughts on this before the move starts to happen?
>>> Rob is there any way I (we) can help?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jeff Schiller

Received on Thursday, 16 October 2008 23:19:21 UTC