Re: SVG DOM object browser, Re: Agenda for Thurs Call (Oct 9th)


Thanks for this idea, it's a good one.

Before I started with the SVG Interest Group, I also had this same
idea but with Google Doctype, whose mission is to "document the open
web".  You can see what they offer for HTML, DOM, CSS:

Here's some more links about Google Doctype: -> home page -> overview -> licensing terms &
conditions (articles licensed CC Attribution 3.0, code & tests
copyright Google)

Mark Pilgrim gave me commit access to Google Doctype for the purpose
of being able to mass edit the SVG content and provide tests, but I'm
afraid I haven't found the time to really contribute to it (at the
time I was mostly just feeling out Doctype's capabilities).  I believe
these are the only two pages I created at the time:

I've heard people like the Doctype ability to build up tests.  For
example this one:
 Though I personally haven't explored this yet.

Of course the problem with this is contributions fall under either the
CC Attribute 3.0 license (which I personally don't have a problem
with) or under Google's copyright (for tests and code), but it seems
to me that Doctype has the potential to one day be a great source for
documentation about the open web, so SVG should be there regardless of
what we do on the SVG community site (that's my opinion anyway).

The other problem I have with Doctype is that edits usually give me a
500 Server Error more than half the time.  This is a known issue with
Doctype that they are (still) working on.  That's the real reason that
Mark gave me commit access so that I wouldn't have to deal with this


On 10/8/08, Andreas Neumann <> wrote:
> Hi Jeff,
>  I would like to discuss a potential add on to our SVG community site.
>  SVG developers often have a hard time exploring the SVG DOM. It is hard
>  for them to read the DOM related spec sections or IDL.
>  On one can find a DOM object browser. Unfortunately it is quite
>  slow currently and not very well-known:
>  I also don't know if this is maintained. ASP errors currenlty appear on
>  some pages.
>  It would be great if the SVG community website would offer such an object
>  browser for the SVG DOM and related W3C technologies.
>  It would also be great if SVG community members could add comments and
>  simple code examples illustrating the use of the various objects, their
>  methods and properties, similar to what is possible at or
>  other similar sites.
>  If we have time at tomorrows telcon I would like to discuss this issue.
>  Thanks,
>  Andreas
>  >
>  > NOTE: The conf call is still at the same time as last call.  The
>  > agenda is looking a little light this week.  Please let me know if you
>  > want to add other items to the agenda.
>  >
>  > Details:
>  > - every other Thursday (this week, Oct 9th)
>  > - 11:00 to 12:00 AM EST (check the wiki for your local time)
>  > - phone bridge number is +1.617.761.6200,  conference 78444 ("SVGIG")
>  > - as usual, we will be meeting concurrently in a chat room, on channel
>  > #svgig (irc://, port 6665);
>  >
>  > Topics:
>  >
>  > 1) Process
>  >    - new members, introductions
>  >    - new conf call time?
>  >    - new wiki pages courtesy of Gregory J. Rosmaita:
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > 2) Community
>  >    - status of community (Rob Russell)
>  >    - domain update:  status of, final disposition (Actions 8, 9)
>  >    - theme, external designers? (Actions 5,6)
>  >
>  > 3) SVG Open
>  >    - Andreas sent proposal to Google
>  >    - status, planning
>  >
>  > 4) Testing
>  >    - update from Ottawa Test Fest
>  >    - High-performance SVG demos - Jeff to create a wiki page for
>  > brainstorming
>  >
>  > 5) Accessibility
>  >    - GTK hacking on Inkscape still pending (Jeff)
>  >    - Action 7: Jeff to create matrix of current title/desc behaviors,
>  > can target for end of week
>  >
>  >
>  --
>  Andreas Neumann
>  Böschacherstrasse 6, CH-8624 Grüt/Gossau, Switzerland
>  Email:, Web:
>  * (Carto and SVG resources)
>  * (personal page)
>  * (SVG Open Conference)
>  * (Georeferenced Photos of Switzerland)

Received on Wednesday, 8 October 2008 13:21:29 UTC