four days notice? Meeting on Thursday, June 26, 2008


Please could more notice be given, and a later date agreed by members?
four days notice is unreasonable, though I fully accept the time of  
day issue.

I am at a SKOS conference on that day:

It's possible I could contribute via IRC, but do not consider this a  
good option


Jonathan Chetwynd

+44 (0) 20 7978 1764

On 22 Jun 2008, at 05:00, Doug Schepers wrote:

> Hi, SVG Fans!
> Jeff Schiller and I would like to welcome you to the SVG Interest  
> Group.  Thank you very much for signing up for our little experiment  
> in community building.  None of us quite know which directions the  
> SVG IG will turn, but we have some pretty clear ideas on how to get  
> started.
> We'd like to have a teleconference on Thursday, June 26, from 11:00  
> to 12:00 AM US East Coast time.  Given that we are spread out across  
> the globe, it's always a challenge to find a suitable time that  
> works for everyone, but this is a pretty good compromise, I hope.   
> We can plan a new time once we get into the swing of things.
> This teleconference (or "telcon") will be to plan our first steps,  
> and to introduce ourselves and explain what our particular interests  
> are. If everyone could write a brief note to the list, that would be  
> a great start.
> For those who don't know me, I'm Doug Schepers.  My IRC nick is  
> shepazu.  I've been an avid member of the SVG community since 2000,  
> and for years I built SVG Webapps as a contractor (and just for  
> fun).  My company, Vectoreal, joined W3C as an affiliate member a  
> few years ago to help move the SVG spec in the directions we thought  
> it needed to go.  As of a year ago, I was hired by W3C directly to  
> serve as the Team Contact for the SVG, CDF, and WebApps Working  
> Groups.  I am particularly interested in making SVG a "smart"  
> graphics format, with extensible semantics and rich interactivity...  
> I also like making it fun and pretty.
> I have always felt that W3C needed a better way to engage the  
> community, and to find out where the designers and authors and users  
> wanted the technology to move, not just leaving it in the hands of  
> the browser vendors.  This Interest Group is our attempt to do just  
> that.
> Again the telcon will be held Thursday the 26th, from 11:00 to 12:00  
> AM EST (check the wiki for your local time).  The phone bridge  
> number is +1.617.761.6200, conference 78444 ("SVGIG").  We will be  
> meeting concurrently in a chat room, on channel #svgig (irc:// 
> , port 6665); if you need help with IRC, just let me know.
> You can always find updated telcon information here:
> Best Regards-
> -Doug Schepers
> W3C Team Contact, WebApps, SVG, and CDF

Received on Sunday, 22 June 2008 16:04:30 UTC