Re: SVG A11y Task Force

Hi Amelia,

I think the primary effort of the task force should be making sure SVG is
included in ARIA 1.1, the Graphics Module, Graphics AAM and SVG AAM become
recommendations and SVG is well supported in automated testing.

Looking beyond ARIA 1.1, I would like to see an open source
haptic/haptic-like widget created for SVG. The widget would work with a
screen reader, haptic feedback (if available) and mouse or touch events. A
group outside of the task force should build the widget and the task force
could capture/define the taxonomy and behaviors needed to support the
widget and establish
 best practices so users can learn to read and explore graphics independent
of element based navigation. Some potential groups that could create the
widget are a publishing group, DAISY, group of data visualization vendors,
the DIAGRAM Center, a cartographic organization or ETS. I would be willing
to work on the widget if I have the time or if funding were available.

I would like to see a way to get connectors in SVG. Connectors should be a
best practice for graph links and connectors are needed to calculate an
accessible name from content for graph links.
Without connectors graph links are in a similar situation to text that has
converted to path elements. Perhaps the task force could take ownership and
produce SVG 2.1 for a limited set of features.


Fred Esch

On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 4:23 PM, Amelia Bellamy-Royds <> wrote:

> Rich Schwerdtfeger <> wrote:
>> Regarding changes needed due to the SVG working group, are any needed?
> Depends what you mean by that.
> There is no SVG WG currently. The WG's charter extension expired at the
> end of January, without any agreement on a replacement, and I don't know if
> anyone has been assigned as a staff contact to replace Doug.
> For our specs: The changes needed to sync the SVG-AAM with the SVG 2 CR
> are in the Editor's Draft from August (
> svg-aam/svg-aam.html).  Note that even though the working draft of
> SVG-AAM has a later date, it is an earlier version; we had too many delays
> getting it published last summer.
> I'm sorry, I should have made more of an effort to get that published as
> an updated WD in the fall. I'm not sure the process for getting it
> published now.


Fred Esch

Received on Sunday, 5 February 2017 16:23:03 UTC