- From: <frederickesch@gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2016 21:23:38 -0400
- To: public-svg-a11y@w3.org
- Cc: shane@spec-ops.io
- Message-Id: <0671C34B-6D76-4AB7-9C96-FEF500336014@gmail.com>
Hi all, I would like to work through the testable statement TODOs on list. ARIA testing is ready for our completed set of testable statements. 1. Is anyone willing to create testable statements for the remaining filter elements (we already have tests for some filter elements). 2. Do folks think it is a) necessary b) desirable to have tests for the filter elements in the TODO list? 3. Is anyone willing to make testable statements for the missing (non-filter) elements? 4. Which (non-filter) elements on the TODO are critical for testing? 5. I haven't seen SVG with some of the elements in them (i.e. canvas, iframe) if folks can point me to an SVG file, example... for them (i.e. canvas, iframe) and you think it is important for testing I will make the testable statement for them. TODOs in wiki page with tables for ATTA. https://www.w3.org/wiki/SVG_Accessibility/Testing/Test_Assertions_with_Tables_for_ATTA#Testable_statements_for_description_calculation canvas iframe script set switch track view filter parts feBlend feColorMatrix feComponentTransfer feConvolveMatrix feDiffuseLighting feDistantLight feDropShadow feFlood feFuncA feFuncB feFuncG feFuncR feImage feMorphology feSpotLight feTile feTurbulence note we have tests for some filter parts. -- Regards, Fred Esch Regards, Fred
Received on Wednesday, 26 October 2016 01:24:08 UTC