Reviewing the focus + tabindex section in SVG 2

Hi all,

In the SVG 2 spec, there are a couple issues in the Interactivity chapter
that relate to focus and tabindex.  On the SVG WG call, the chapter
editors indicated they weren't very familiar with the topic. I said I'd
bring it up with the SVG Accessibility task force.

I'd appreciate if any of you have the time to look over the Focus section:

Two issues are currently noted in the spec:

<>This section needs to
defer to HTML more rather than duplicate the wording from that spec.

Need to decide how will replace some of the links pertaining to "in a
document", "Document", and "being rendered" [These are currently links to
definitions in the HTML spec]. This is dependent on Document work that
needs to be added wrt. tabindex. Do we define our own definitions vs. what
is in HTML5?

I agree with the general intent to minimize duplication & defer to the
established HTML rules whenever possible. However, I think there will need
to be some SVG-specific language with respect to what is "rendered" or
not.  In particular, some SVG elements are never rendered & tabindex should
have no effect if specified on them (e.g., you can't tab to a <filter>

Please let me know (by replying to this message) if you see other issues,
or if you have any suggestions or preferences on how to re-write the text.
Or, if you want to volunteer to draft the new wording yourself!

If there is anything that needs debate, I would like to take it up at the
Tuesday January 26 SVG-A11y task force teleconference.  The SVG WG is
holding a F2F meeting the first week of February & is trying to get all
substantive edits on SVG 2 locked in by then.


Received on Friday, 15 January 2016 18:26:27 UTC