Re: [aria] SVG-AAM: Consider explicit language regarding objects with presentational role and aria-label (#136)


We will discuss issues you and Joseph raise at the next SVG A11Y TK
   Issue: Does an empty title or description nullify title/description
   presence when deciding whether to add an object to the accessibility
   tree? Git Issue #134
   Issue: Does role none/presentation always exclude an element from
   inclusion in the accessibility tree?  Things that appear to conflict:
   action listeners, presence of global aria properties.  If role
   none/presentation always exclude an element from inclusion in the
   accessibility tree, we need normative text stating so.  Git Issue #136
   Issue:  tspan element - should it be treated like a span and by default
   not appear in the accessibility tree?  Part of Git Issue #133

The testable statements in the wiki are not yet vetted, but feel free to
review the testable statements in the wiki and see if they raise any
    Fred Esch                                                 
 Watson, IBM, W3C                                             
 IBM Watson       Watson Release Management and Quality       

From: Joanmarie <>
To: w3c/aria <>
Cc: Fred Esch/Arlington/IBM@IBMUS
Date: 01/11/2016 01:15 PM
Subject: Re: [aria] SVG-AAM: Consider explicit language regarding
            objects with presentational role and aria-label (#136)

So... There seem to be a number of issues (some bigger than others).

@fredesch: Do you agree that the magic-hammer behavior you need for SVG
accessibility is not 100% clear from the text in the SVG AAM? If so,
perhaps it would make sense to remedy that specific problem within the SVG
AAM, namely:
   1. Add normative text stating what user agents MUST (or MUST NOT) do
      regarding SVG elements with role="{presentation,none}".
   2. Remove the current, and non-normative text that is currently there
      and which I quote in the opening report of this issue.

That won't fix everything being discussed here, but I think it will get us
closer to the goal of implementors knowing what is expected when they
encounter an SVG element with a presentational role and an aria-label AKA
the magic hammer.

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