Re: HTML AAM linking

In the role mapping table, we currently have local links to HTML-AAM of the
following form:

Follow the recommendations for <a
> href="../html-aam/html-aam.html#el-video">the HTML video element</a>

in the HTML Accessibility API Mappings specification [[!HTML-AAM]].

Rich was hoping that to get ReSpec to automatically find the correct
version of the spec (editors' vs TR) in the same way that links to Core-AAM
or the other major specs are resolved.

Getting something similarly auto-magic for linking to the main HTML/SVG
specs might be nice, but I don't think anyone was expecting it to happen
this time around.  They're multi-page specs, so it would require a lot of
extra logic, not just pre-pending a file URL in front of a target fragment.

Thanks for looking at this,

On 25 October 2015 at 13:24, Shane McCarron <> wrote:

> I made a bunch of edits and checked them in as a pull request.  I also did
> something stupid to the master branch on github accidentally, so hang on
> before you do anything with it.
> I actually could use a concrete example of what *exactly* Rich and you all
> are looking for.  What in the SVG AAM are you trying to link to what in the
> HTML AAM?  Or in the HTML5 spec itself?
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 12:36 AM, Amelia Bellamy-Royds <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Shane,
>> I don't think any of us are actively working on the spec right now, so
>> feel free to tidy up as required.
>> Broken tags are probably just a symptom of too many people editing &
>> cut-and-pasting.  Some of the auto-magic ReSpec markup may be overspecified
>> because I was copying existing markup that had been automatically
>> generated.  However, you'll want to double-check before assuming things
>> will happen automatically, since we did have some problems with ReSpec
>> finding the correct references across different specs.
>> Amelia
>> On 25 October 2015 at 00:07, Shane McCarron <> wrote:
>>> Also, I am curious about the "termref" references throughout your spec.
>>> These look like references to terms from the standard glossary.  If so,
>>> doesn't respec just handle that for you if you do, for example,
>>> <a>semantics</a>?
>>> On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 3:06 PM, Shane McCarron <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Starting to look at this.  I ran into some errors in the svg-aam.html
>>>> file in the master branch on github.  Are you guys cool with my fixing
>>>> them?  (HTML validation stuff like a missing opening cite element etc.)

Received on Sunday, 25 October 2015 20:20:19 UTC