- From: Richard Schwerdtfeger <schwer@us.ibm.com>
- Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2015 10:39:32 -0500
- To: public-svg-a11y@w3.org
- Message-ID: <OFC102C2E9.41EA9A2D-ON86257EAF.0055CD94-86257EAF.0056046E@us.ibm.com>
web: http://www.w3.org/2015/08/28-svg-a11y-minutes.html text: 14:03:47 [richardschwerdtfeger] present+ Rich 14:04:11 [chaals] Present+ chaals 14:04:27 [AmeliaBR] present+ AmeliaBR 14:04:45 [fesch] fesch has joined #svg-a11y 14:06:16 [chaals] scribe: chaals 14:06:31 [chaals] Meeting: SVG accessibility TF 14:06:37 [fesch] scribe: fesch 14:06:43 [chaals] scribe: chaals 14:06:53 [richardschwerdtfeger] Topic: High level Overview Ameila’s Proposed Reduced Model 14:07:15 [AmeliaBR] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-a11y/2015Aug/0022.html 14:07:24 [AmeliaBR] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-a11y/2015Aug/att-0022/graphics-roles.html 14:07:58 [chaals] s| https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-a11y/2015Aug/0022.html |-"> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-a11y/2015Aug/0022.html|- > https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-a11y/2015Aug/0022.html Amelia's email outlining an aria model 14:08:22 [chaals] ABR: Trying to take a high-level approach, and grouped the roles based on the hierarchy to make it easier to see how they relate. 14:08:25 [fesch] ab: trying to take a more generalizable approach to roles that is more focused on data, grouped roles by hierarchy 14:08:32 [chaals] … broken down in roles that inherit from graphics-doc 14:08:45 [chaals] … and roles that inherit from graphics-object. 14:09:13 [chaals] …graphics-doc is a concrete role for diagrams that have structures but not particularly unique structures. Might still have directional nav, but that is about it. 14:10:00 [chaals] There are 3 subsets - maps, network graphs such as org charts where the connections matter but topology is mutable, and data charts, which have e.g. axes relevant to the data. 14:10:12 [chaals] s/There are/… There are/ 14:10:39 [chaals] … have suggested some subtypes, not sure if we want to get that specific. Is it possible to talk of default behaviours for common types e.g. bar or pie charts 14:11:04 [chaals] … e.g. pie charts may not need to declare axes, just auto-generate from the graphic structure. 14:11:21 [chaals] … one idea people can look at. 14:11:28 [chaals] q+ to say it will introduce too much complexity 14:11:46 [chaals] … or will it introduce too much complexity and we should require explicit authoring. 14:12:10 [chaals] … those top-level types would be set, we've already talked about the collection types where you want to nest. 14:12:18 [chaals] … other objects have specific charting roles. 14:12:54 [chaals] … tried to cover most of the things fred had, but grouped them together more so you use the same role for charts and maps, regardless of how they are displayed. 14:13:13 [chaals] … gridlines and tickmarks are conceptually teh same, for example. 14:13:39 [chaals] … ahve basic graphic-symbol - one for data-related objects, one for annotation-related objects - all the metadata of a chart. 14:13:58 [chaals] … I have used this more generally than Fred's term meaning text annotations. 14:14:17 [chaals] FE: I used guides for everything like that. 14:14:18 [jasonjgw] jasonjgw has joined #svg-a11y 14:14:50 [chaals] ABR: Within that I have data-scale, important for properties that define dimensions of the data, datatype (number, date, …) 14:14:58 [chaals] … this will explain the valid ranges. 14:15:27 [chaals] … within that are seperate subclasses for axes vs legends - legends can be moved independent of the rest of the blocks without changing the meaning, but axes can't. 14:15:59 [chaals] … They both use the same properties, such as circle size being meaningful, and you show examples in a legend. 14:16:27 [chaals] … Other type of annotations are the category names and tickmark labels, which are 2 different roles. 14:16:42 [chaals] … category is exhaustive list, tickmarks are rough pointers along the way... 14:17:16 [shepazu_] shepazu_ has joined #svg-a11y 14:17:19 [chaals] … For data I have datapoint, datagroup, datalines e.g. for a trend line, and dataregions. 14:17:31 [chaals] … have connectors listed as a subclass of data. 14:17:51 [chaals] … connectors might have data attached to it. Also have a role for summary objects. 14:18:12 [chaals] q+ and to ask why not use desc or aria-describedby for summaries 14:18:25 [chaals] … still need to think about how you explain what type of summary that is. 14:19:07 [chaals] … To get into properties. To have machine-readable data we need to define what type of data that is, so you have a property on scale, what type of data is in there - number, datetime, enumeration, etc. 14:19:27 [chaals] … For each of those I have some rules for converting strings to machine-readable value in the category. 14:19:57 [chaals] … referencing ECMAscript parsing for most, but not datetime where I ref HTML5 - which inherits from ISO8601 14:20:31 [chaals] … Idea is you declare the actual data on objects - data points, or bars, as a string attribute, and it would be matched up. 14:20:57 [chaals] … farther down data-values are attached to data objects, data scales are a list of idrefs to the values. 14:21:29 [chaals] … e.g. for a bar chart you would have legend - X axis, with value on category, to minimise markup suggest data-scales attribute would be inheritable. 14:21:46 [chaals] … You could define the order of data once for the chart or group. 14:22:02 [chaals] q+ and to ask why not identify an attribute that represents values 14:22:14 [chaals] … and single attribute for giving an array of data values all at once. 14:22:29 [chaals] … please look at syntax, does it make sense, etc 14:22:38 [chaals] … (please skip typos…) 14:22:41 [shepazu_] q+ 14:22:55 [fesch] q+ 14:23:11 [chaals] … not sure how we represent network graphs, have some things using the area value attributes that exist for widgets describing range of axis. 14:23:59 [chaals] … and to associate readable names with short codes, so you need a numeric code defining order of ordinals, but might want to have meaningful text values like never, sometimes, often, always. Using aria value attributes we already have for that. 14:24:12 [chaals] … mostly trying to get things in writing that I talked about. 14:24:30 [richardschwerdtfeger] q? 14:24:36 [richardschwerdtfeger] q+ 14:24:43 [chaals] FE: Can you make examples using this 14:24:46 [chaals] ack me 14:24:46 [Zakim] chaals, you wanted to say it will introduce too much complexity 14:26:34 [fesch] chaals: make an example of the hierarchy using your markup, worried about trying to identify chart types, focus on data 14:26:58 [richardschwerdtfeger] q? 14:27:12 [fesch] chaals: wouldn't you use aria-labeledby when you have a label 14:27:40 [fesch] chaals: can't we use desc or describedby? 14:28:13 [chaals] scribe: chaals 14:28:16 [fesch] chaals: when i put examples on the wiki I used a description of a trend line ... 14:28:23 [chaals] RS: Do we need a summary property? 14:28:30 [chaals] ABR: Not sure. 14:28:40 [fesch] q? 14:28:52 [chaals] … maybe when we start working out examples we discover they are just normal text annotations... 14:29:02 [chaals] ack she 14:29:04 [richardschwerdtfeger] ack shep 14:30:00 [chaals] DS: Stupid question. Glad to see datatype. Is there something that gives you the unit? This is an SVG question - don't now how to have child elements in the title element. Have we fixed that? 14:30:16 [chaals] ABR: Nothing supported cross-browser. You can put them there but they won't have any impact. 14:30:19 [chaals] DS: In the spec? 14:30:26 [chaals] ABR: Says you are allowed, but not what happens. 14:30:50 [chaals] DS: Spec should have a way of saying what can go in there - like tspan allowing you to seperate out different values, add units, … 14:31:15 [chaals] … datapoints may carry more than one-dimensional info. We need to allow for that 14:31:37 [chaals] ACTION: shepazu to ensure title can carry multiple children for e.g. data arrays 14:31:37 [trackbot] Error finding 'shepazu'. You can review and register nicknames at < https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/users>. 14:32:08 [richardschwerdtfeger] Action: Doug Define changes to <title> that specifies how to deal with child content 14:32:08 [trackbot] Error finding 'Doug'. You can review and register nicknames at < https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/users>. 14:32:18 [chaals] i/chaals: make an/scribe: fesch 14:32:27 [richardschwerdtfeger] q? 14:32:31 [chaals] ack fe 14:32:37 [richardschwerdtfeger] ack fesch 14:32:56 [chaals] FE: Didn't finish reading, but agree with chaals about using visible text and desc elements when you need a description. 14:33:05 [chaals] … concern about chart breakdowns, think they need work. 14:33:21 [chaals] … not sure if we really need a datatype in practice 14:33:30 [chaals] … not sure chart engines will provide that information. 14:33:43 [chaals] q+ to get action to ask the chartist.js guy about this in an hour 14:34:05 [chaals] ABR: Anyone who uses D3 will be familiar with most of these names. That is how they do it. 14:34:18 [chaals] ack ri 14:34:36 [chaals] RS: ARIA TF is supportive of putting a figure role in. Want to tweak this a bit. 14:34:53 [chaals] … need that in HTML-AAM spec too. 14:35:09 [chaals] … need something for basic shapes. Don't see that. Would that be another subclass of graphics object? 14:35:35 [chaals] ABR: Don't recall what I did but we agreed not to have specific roles for different shapes. Decided it wasn't going to be useful 14:35:45 [chaals] … suggested it would be a symbol. 14:35:55 [chaals] … otherwise img 14:36:13 [chaals] RS: If you draw the US, each state has a name. Are the states symbols? 14:36:33 [chaals] ABR: Yes you have 50 labelled symbols with descriptions. 14:36:51 [chaals] … you could use dataregions, too. 14:37:17 [chaals] RS: So someone labels a circle, with no role, what should it default to? 14:37:40 [chaals] ABR: Decided not to have specific primitives, so it would be a symbol. We could discuss whether it makes sense to have defaults for properties. 14:38:16 [chaals] … so if you have stoplight with 3 circles you get 3 symbols. 14:38:32 [fesch] q? 14:38:34 [chaals] RS: So we would have CA symbol for an outline of California. OK, will have to update mapping spec. 14:38:44 [chaals] ABR: Have this in there as notes... 14:39:06 [chaals] … a note says if symbol is introduced it would become the default mapping. 14:39:21 [chaals] … to get this integrated we need to look at what roles exist in accessibility APIs 14:39:27 [chaals] RS: We may have to create new ones. 14:39:33 [chaals] ack me 14:39:33 [Zakim] chaals, you wanted to get action to ask the chartist.js guy about this in an hour 14:39:37 [richardschwerdtfeger] q? 14:40:27 [chaals] ACTION: talk to Gion Kunz (chartist.js maintainer) and ask him about what roles/properties would make sense … 14:40:27 [trackbot] Error finding 'talk'. You can review and register nicknames at < https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/users>. 14:40:40 [chaals] ACTION: chaals to talk to Gion Kunz (chartist.js maintainer) and ask him about what roles/properties would make sense … 14:40:41 [trackbot] Created ACTION-1713 - Talk to gion kunz (chartist.js maintainer) and ask him about what roles/properties would make sense … [on Charles McCathie Nevile - due 2015-09-04]. 14:41:08 [chaals] FE: So read this carefully for next week please. 14:41:22 [chaals] … one issue I found, that I think will apply for any taxonomy... 14:41:29 [chaals] Topic: Legends 14:41:38 [chaals] FE: When you have a legend entry it has a symbol and text label. 14:42:15 [chaals] … trying to make a shadow DOM the AT could use now I ran into a problem where we say a graphic symbol is atomic - no meaningful children. A square box or path cannot have a lot of children 14:42:32 [chaals] … In a legend entry you would read the label, but no way to give the description of a symbol itself... 14:42:34 [chaals] q+ 14:42:42 [chaals] q+ to suggest how you do this 14:42:57 [richardschwerdtfeger] q? 14:43:00 [richardschwerdtfeger] ack chaals 14:43:00 [Zakim] chaals, you wanted to suggest how you do this 14:44:17 [chaals] CMN: You say the text key is labeledBy the box, whose desc says "fuchsia with cross-hatching" or whatever… 14:44:42 [chaals] FE: OK 14:45:23 [shepazu] q+ 14:45:36 [chaals] … was intrigued by the ARIA data scales and where they would be defined… 14:45:46 [chaals] … where would they be defined, what would they look like? 14:46:11 [chaals] ABR: Got some and some issues. You attach metadata for scales to axis or legend… 14:46:21 [chaals] … guess that is where you put units. 14:46:43 [chaals] … that would be another attribute on the axis. 14:47:02 [chaals] … e.g. date range, or 0-100000 in USD … 14:47:15 [chaals] q+ 14:47:28 [chaals] … definitely something to talk about - we want machine-readable data 14:47:42 [chaals] q+ to say we have values, min, max, in aria, and lots more in XSD 14:47:57 [richardschwerdtfeger] ack shep 14:47:59 [shepazu] q- later 14:48:08 [richardschwerdtfeger] ack chaals 14:48:08 [Zakim] chaals, you wanted to say we have values, min, max, in aria, and lots more in XSD 14:48:49 [shepazu] q- 14:49:01 [chaals] CMN: We can use XML Schema datatypes instead of reinvinting it 14:49:07 [chaals] s/vin/ven 14:49:22 [chaals] ABR: These are datatypes for schemata of allowed values 14:49:30 [chaals] RS: How does that go in accessibility API mapping 14:49:32 [chaals] q+ 14:49:36 [richardschwerdtfeger] ack shep 14:49:37 [fesch] q+ 14:49:41 [richardschwerdtfeger] q+ 14:49:58 [richardschwerdtfeger] ack chaals 14:50:24 [chaals] CMN: Think in most cases we can use the raw text as descriptions through the accessibility API 14:50:31 [richardschwerdtfeger] ack fesch 14:50:47 [chaals] FE: posted examples with what is in the markup, and a page to show the shadowDOM 14:50:58 [chaals] … as an exercise in trying to figure out how this works. 14:51:07 [chaals] [+1 to fesch on worked examples] 14:51:29 [chaals] … mostly so e.g. Jason/Léonie can see how this might actually work out. 14:51:45 [AmeliaBR] https://www.w3.org/wiki/SVG_Accessibility#Experiments_in_markup 14:52:07 [chaals] s|https://www.w3.org/wiki/SVG_Accessibility#Experiments_in_markup|-"> https://www.w3.org/wiki/SVG_Accessibility#Experiments_in_markup|-> https://www.w3.org/wiki/SVG_Accessibility#Experiments_in_markup Fred's experiments - see number 2 14:52:51 [chaals] RS: Would really like to lock down roles we have and focus on attributes we need. The fewer roles the better. So we have to work through more examples, to give us a chance of getting this out at the same time as SVG 2 14:53:26 [chaals] … can we lock roles in the next month, to get mapping guide fleshed out, and include native semantics in SVG2 pointing to this… 14:54:03 [chaals] … Aim is to lock down by the end of the year for CR. 14:54:29 [richardschwerdtfeger] q? 14:54:32 [richardschwerdtfeger] ack richardschwerdtfeger 14:54:34 [chaals] … Want to start new charters for ARIA, need to do a lot for web components. Want to get SVG on the same level as HTML for accessibility. 14:55:17 [fesch] q? 14:55:30 [chaals] RS: What attributes are we going to need, how do we map them to accessibility APIs 14:55:43 [chaals] … would like to get a version of the graphics module out in next 6 weeks 14:55:52 [chaals] FE: Why not decide what we are going to do with Amelia's stuff... 14:55:53 [chaals] q+ 14:56:05 [shepazu] q+ 14:56:27 [richardschwerdtfeger] ack chaals 14:56:45 [chaals] … and I'll edit module to reflect that 14:56:59 [chaals] CMN: We need to work examples to make rational decisions. 14:57:08 [chaals] ABR: I'll try doing that by early next week. 14:57:12 [richardschwerdtfeger] q? 14:57:16 [richardschwerdtfeger] ack shep 14:57:31 [chaals] DS: I'll be away for next 2 weeks. 14:57:49 [chaals] … Or 3. 14:58:16 [chaals] … Like the datayping from Amelia's module, isn't just accessibility issue, but helps make portable data. 14:58:36 [chaals] … There are more cases than just screenreaders for this. 14:58:44 [fesch] q? 14:59:09 [chaals] JW: Will be busy over the next few weeks and cannot commit much work... 14:59:41 [chaals] [adjourned] 14:59:46 [chaals] rrsagent, make logs public 14:59:50 [chaals] rrsagent, draft minutes 14:59:50 [RRSAgent] I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/08/28-svg-a11y-minutes.html chaals 15:01:01 [chaals] Present+ Jason, Doug 15:01:42 [chaals] Regrets+ Léonie 15:01:56 [chaals] rrsagent, draft minutes 15:01:56 [RRSAgent] I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/08/28-svg-a11y-minutes.html chaals Rich Schwerdtfeger
Received on Friday, 28 August 2015 15:40:11 UTC