Re: Taxonomy straw man

Hi, folks–

I also have some taxonomy notes; they're a bit skeletal, and some are 
outdated from my current thinking, but I thought they might help inform 
some of the discussion.

I've also taken the liberty (with Fred's permission) of reworking Fred's 
taxonomy so it's a single HTML page (and thus viewable in email clients 
and W3C email archives.


On 12/8/14 10:43 AM, Fred Esch wrote:
> SVG a11y TF,
> We will discuss the role of a taxonomy and how it fits in graphics
> accessibility in our first meeting. We may start looking at a taxonomy
> in detail in the second meeting. I've attached a zip containing a basic
> graphic taxonomy straw man. If you unzip the file, you should be able
> load taxonomy.html into a browser. The web page should be accessible.
> The taxonomy straw man has about 20 parts of graphics which I believe
> should be included in accessibility and are organized by functional
> groups.  On the web page, items under the data group represent data in
> the graphic (ie bars on bar chart, contour lines on a map). Items under
> the guide group represent non-data items that provide scale, location or
> add explanation (ie title, axis, compass rose). Items under the region
> group mark areas on the graphic (ie view)
> The straw man is simply a starting point. UML diagrams and some other
> types of SVG graphics were not included in the straw man as I believe
> they will bring up questions of taxonomy organization and synonyms which
> I think should be a second step after we figure out the unique building
> blocks of informational graphics.
> /(See attached file:
> Looking forward to hearing you all on Friday,
> Fred Esch
> Accessibility, Watson Innovations
> AARB Complex Visualization Working Group Chair
> IBM Watson Group
>     Fred

Received on Wednesday, 17 December 2014 06:36:13 UTC