Re: Greening of Streaming

 Hello Dom,

You are right. On fixed links (FTTH / xDSL), there is no linearity /
correlation between the quantity of data exchanged and the associated
environmental impacts. In France, the most in-depth study ever carried out
on this subject demonstrates this “linearity bias”. We carried out this LCA
as part of the implementation of article 13 of the AGEC law. All French
telecom operators have shared their data.

On the other hand, there is the beginning of a correlation between data
quantity and env. impacts on 4G / 5G mobile links.

At the end of the day, the key point is to avoid traffic jams during peak
hours so as not to have to deploy a new physical network (migration from 4G
to 5G for example or from ADSL to fiber for example). Because it is the
deployment of the physical network which concentrates the environmental
impacts, particularly the last mile/local loop.

Furthermore, another LCA that we carried out on streaming formally
demonstrates that it is the production of the TV which concentrates 70% to
90% of the environmental impacts. The results are more balanced in the
smartphone / mobile scenario.

Best, Fred

Frédéric Bordage founder
+33 6 16 95 96 01

Created in 2004, is the non-profit association that brings
together the experts at the origin of digital sobriety, digital service
eco-design and initiatives. leads the Club Green IT and
co-founded the (LCA consortium). Every year we publish the
Benchmark Green IT.

Last books published (French)
Ecoconception web, les 115 bonnes pratiques, Eyrolles, 2012-2022 (4ème éd.)
Tendre vers la sobriété numérique, Actes Sud, 2021
Sobriété numérique les clés pour agir, Buchet-Chastel, 2019

Le ven. 29 sept. 2023 à 10:42, Dom Robinson <> a écrit :

> Hi folks
> I run an organisation
> The Guidelines just out caught my eye
> I would love to chat a bit more about this.
> Fundamentally research we have carried out and continue to carry out is
> clearly showing that in the distribution networks energy is not
> proportional to data traffic.
> This is a common misunderstanding. It leads to digital media companies
> being quite wed to the idea that saving data saves the planet.
> We are seeing no evidence that not sending data reduces energy
> consumption. We have been measuring events like the world cup streaming
> online and more, and network energy is not related to traffic, it is
> related to the peak provisioned capacity of the network. Much looks to be
> similar in cloud.
> It might be worth exploring that theme and thinking about it in terms of
> some of the guidelines you have been publishing..
> Do let me know if you would like to find out more
> Kind regards
> Dom
> --
> Dom Robinson
> Meet >>

Received on Wednesday, 25 October 2023 14:03:14 UTC