Follow-up from last week's W3C meeting

Hi Everyone,

Thanks again to those of you who joined our meeting last week. It was very
productive. You can review the notes here

Here are a few updates since last week's meeting.

*Slack Community:*
IMPORTANT: if you received an email invite from me to join the
#sustainability channel of W3C's Slack community, please disregard and join
using this link:

The team integrations feature will expire since W3C is using a free Slack
community. In order for your conversations to be saved, use the link above
to join the group. Thanks.

Also, individual committees have started their own channels to collaborate
on resources and guidelines specific to those disciplines without
disrupting the broader #sustainability channel. Consider joining these
channels if the topic is of interest to you or create your own if you were
in a breakout that isn't represented below:

   - #sustainability-metrics (dedicated to analytics & measurement)
   - #sustainability-webdev (dedicated to web development)
   - #sustainability-infra (dedicated to systems & infrastructure)

*Community Wiki:*
Alexander Dawson did an amazing job updating the public-facing sustyweb
community wiki, which you can find here:

He also updated the References section to include many more resources than
previously existed:

You'll also notice that there is now a wiki section for each committee from
last week's meeting. For example, here's the one for UX Design:

It includes a properly formatted table to add guidelines and resources.
Please feel free to add discipline-specific resources as you come across

Thank you again, Alex, for setting this up.

*Next Meeting(s):*
I'd like to encourage anyone who participated in individual committee
breakouts during our last meeting to consider connecting independently
before our next full-group meetup. I would love to be included in these
conversations, so please let me know if you set up a smaller committee

In the meantime, here's a Doodle poll for our next full-group meetup, which
I'm hoping we can schedule for early-to-mid November:

Please complete the poll as soon as you can. Thanks.

*New(ish) Resources:*
Finally, here are some new or recently released resources:

   - HTTP Archive sustainability chapter: This came out last month. If you
   haven't seen it yet, you can do so here:
   - BIMA Web Environmental Sustainability Guidelines: This UK-based
group hosted
   an event
   on Tuesday to release new guidelines that could inform our work together.
   If anyone has a link to these, please share here or in the Slack
   community...or drop the link in the References wiki page.

*Increasing Diverse Membership*
Finally, we're very interested in continuing to diversify the perspectives
represented in this group. This will only improve the guidelines we
ultimately put forth. Please share the community group page
<> with your network along with a
request to join. Mightybytes recently published a post
calling for new members with more details as well, in case that's helpful.

Thanks all. I look forward to continued collaboration.


*Tim Frick*
Mightybytes <>

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Received on Thursday, 13 October 2022 10:58:54 UTC