Reminder: Next Meeting Oct. 4th [via Sustainable Web Design Community Group]

Hi everyone,

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow, Oct. 4th at 9am CST/3pm BST/4pm CEST for our next guidelines meeting. We have more than twice the number of RSVPs as our last meeting, so it promises to be a lively discussion. I've included some resources below.


Housekeeping + notes from last meeting
Committee breakout rooms
Regroup: what we learned
Next steps

Meeting Notes

You can find notes for tomorrow's meeting at this link. Please add your name under a committee breakout room you would like to attend. 

If you need a calendar invite or Zoom link, please reach out. If you received this message via email, simply respond and I'll add you to the calendar invite.

Thanks very much,



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'Reminder: Next Meeting Oct. 4th'

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Received on Monday, 3 October 2022 16:57:50 UTC