Re: Sustainability Recommendations Working Group [via Sustainable Web Design Community Group]

Hi Tim, all,

We are in too !

We are working on that subject in France since 2011 and will publish the
4th edition of our "web ecodesign best practices repository" named (french)
"écoconception web : les 115 bonnes pratiques" which means literally "115
best practices to eco design the web".



Le mar. 19 avr. 2022 à 18:37, W3C Community Development Team <> a écrit :

> A few members of this group recently met with W3C to discuss creating
> sustainable web design standards of some sort, similar to the WAI's Web
> Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). For many of us who have worked in
> web/digital sustainability for some time, this seems like a natural next
> step.
> Primary Take-Aways
> Here are the main take-aways we pulled from the W3C conversation:
> Sustainability is already included as part of W3C TAG group. There is
> potential overlap with other groups as well, which might mean more possible
> collaborators.
> Standards and recommendations are two different things (WCAG is the
> latter, we probably want to start there).
> Community groups are great to get as many people involved in discussing a
> topic, shared ideas, etc. as possible (That's what this group is).
> Interest groups bring together people who wish to evaluate potential Web
> technologies and policies. An Interest Group is a forum for the exchange of
> ideas.
> Working groups typically produce deliverables (e.g., Recommendation Track
> technical reports, software, test suites, and reviews of the deliverables
> of other groups) as defined in their charter.
> Working or interest groups have charters they must follow and a set of
> requirements. You can read charter requirements here.
> W3C recommends creating a working group of about 15 people to begin the
> process of creating recommendations. The first thing we will do is complete
> a charter doc. This charter requirements doc template will help us get
> started.
> To this end, if you're interested in being a part of this, please add your
> name in a comment below. Thanks very much!
> ----------
> This post sent on Sustainable Web Design Community Group
> 'Sustainability Recommendations Working Group'
> Learn more about the Sustainable Web Design Community Group:

Received on Wednesday, 20 April 2022 16:38:14 UTC