Sustainable Web Agenda 2025-02-20

Hi Sustainers,

he Sustainable Web IG will meet 20 February at 1400 UTC (9:00 EST, 11:00 
PM JST). You may access the calendar and zoom information at [1].

Our agenda is listed in GitHub [2]. We will take notes during the 
meeting in a Google Doc [3].

 1. Introductions &Code of Conduct
 2. *Open Issues:*
      * *Alex:*WSG Progress Report
          o 3 New SC’s (Sustainable APIs
            VS Server
          o New JSON API
          o Jekyll config for HTML friendly versions of ourIG
          o 6 updated or merged SC’s across Web Dev, Infrastructure, &
          o Lots of other bugs and fixes applied & plenty of new URLs.
      * Task forces: how to jumpstart progress?
          o Workload expectations
          o What can we do to help you accomplish tasks between meetings?
      * Restructuring discussion
          o Move guideline text into “Additional Content” (discussed
            last meeting)
          o Defaulting to multi-page with full-page option / two spec
            versions alike WHATWG
          o Filtering SC by tag [discipline / category / pathway]
            (discussed last meeting)
          o Put references in supplement and group by SC, highlighting
            best content
 3. *Other Discussions:*
      * TBD




Tzviya Siegman
Sustainability Lead

Received on Wednesday, 19 February 2025 15:54:31 UTC