Sustainable Web agenda

Hi All,

The Sustainable Web IG will meet on today at 1400 UTC (9:00 EST, 11:00 
PM JST). You may access the calendar and zoom information at [1].

Our agenda is listed in GitHub [2]. We will take notes during the 
meeting in a Google Doc [3].

 1. Introductions &Code of Conduct
 2. *Open Issues:*
      * Shift guideline descriptions > “additional content”
      * Better tagging system: label choices for SC’s
      * What challenges are task forces facing in making progress?
      * Which task forces still need leads/co-leads?
 3. *Other Discussions:*
      * TBD




Tzviya Siegman
Sustainability Lead

Received on Thursday, 6 February 2025 13:09:09 UTC