Re: updated draft

good morning;

> On 2017-04-03, at 00:29, Peter F. Patel-Schneider <> wrote:
> On 04/02/2017 03:26 PM, james anderson wrote:
>> […]
> Ok, so there we differ.  I do not see any way that
> can be construed in this way.  There is
> nothing in the document at all to support any reading other than the one where
> substitution works on expressions in the SPARQL algebra, replacing pieces of
> this algebra by other pieces of this algebra, and the result of substitution
> is to be treated just like every other construct in the SPARQL algebra.

here is another thought experiment:

   describe an implementation for “describe" as a concise bounded description in terms of the sparql algebra.

best regards, from berlin,
james anderson | |

Received on Monday, 3 April 2017 00:26:54 UTC