Re: Welcome!

On 07/04/2016 07:48 AM, Andy Seaborne wrote:
> Welcome!
> Decisions:
> We are a small group and already have people in a number of timezones.
> Telecons are not going to be easy to schedule and will inevitably
> inconvenience someone so I don't think they will help, and certainly not as a
> decision forum.
> I'd like to propose we use the email list for decisions usually with "call for
> consensus".  For certain things like publishing a CG Note or a specific
> version of the test suite we might want a vote - the Apache process for a vote
> is "majority and at least 3 +1" - to have a decision URL for the record.
>     Andy

Are we going to start out with some meta-discussions?  I was wondering whether
there should be one note or several.   I was also wondering whether it would
be better to start by just agreeing on where there are problems,without
providing any solutions or to also have proposed solutions along with
perceived problems.


Received on Tuesday, 5 July 2016 21:11:07 UTC