Re: Converting VALUES to SPARQL algebra

Hi Birte, covers VALUES outside of the query while covers VALUES
inside of a query.
The problem is that the code examples for both are quite generic because of
the sentence 'where *data* is a solution sequence formed from the VALUES
It is the code of that sentence I'm interested in.
The examples I found implemented this with table/row entries but I can't
find these in the spec.


On 2 March 2015 at 10:39, Birte Glimm <> wrote:

> Hi Joachim,
> Section covers that and gives a small piece of code for the
> algebra conversion. Is that not what you are looking for?
> Best,
> Birte
> On 2 March 2015 at 10:22, Joachim Van Herwegen
> <> wrote:
> > I was wondering how one converts a query contain VALUES such as in
> > to SPARQL algebra?
> > The spec just mentions 'The result is a multiset of solution mappings
> > 'data'.'.
> > The validator at outputs
> this as:
> > (table (vars ?book) (row [?book :book1]) (row [?book :book3]) ) but
> nowhere
> > does the spec define table or row (as far as I can see).
> > Are the table/row elements just a custom implementation or is there a
> > different spec somewhere that defines these?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Joachim
> --
> Jun. Prof. Dr. Birte Glimm            Tel.:    +49 731 50 24125
> Inst. of Artificial Intelligence         Secr:  +49 731 50 24258
> University of Ulm                         Fax:   +49 731 50 24188
> D-89069 Ulm                     
> Germany

Received on Monday, 2 March 2015 09:49:39 UTC