DLDB looks like another interesting approach to RdfAndSql

I just posted my notes on AAAI-06, which is mostly a review
of a paper by Z. Pan and A. Qasem and J. Heflin on enhancing
semantic web query with ontology mappings.

The approach to querying all this data is something they call DLDB,
which comes from a paper they submitted to the ISWC Practical and
Scalable Semantic Systems workshop. Darn! no full text proceedings
online again. Ah... Jeff's pubs include a tech report version. To
paraphrase: there's a table for each class and a table for each property
that relates rows from the class tables. They use a DL reasoner to find
subclass relationships, and they make views out of them. I have never
seen this approach to RdfAndSql before; it sure looks promising. I
wonder if we can integrate it into our dbview work somehow and perhaps
into our truth-maintenance system in the TAMI project
-- http://dig.csail.mit.edu/breadcrumbs/node/158

I haven't updated http://esw.w3.org/topic/RdfAndSql yet; bonus
points to anybody who beats me to it.

Dan Connolly, W3C http://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/
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Received on Friday, 11 August 2006 22:09:17 UTC