- From: Chris Bizer <chris@bizer.de>
- Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2006 16:55:54 +0200
- To: "'Dan Brickley'" <danbri@danbri.org>, "'Chris Bizer'" <bizer@zedat.fu-berlin.de>
- Cc: "'Dan Connolly'" <connolly@w3.org>, <public-sparql-dev@w3.org>, "'Tim Berners-Lee'" <timbl@w3.org>, "'Seaborne, Andy'" <andy.seaborne@hp.com>, "'Eric Prud'hommeaux'" <eric@w3.org>, "'Elias Torres'" <eliast@us.ibm.com>, "'Chimezie Ogbuji'" <ogbujic@bio.ri.ccf.org>, "'Richard Cyganiak'" <richard@cyganiak.de>, <danny.ayers@gmail.com>, "'Axel Polleres'" <axel.polleres@urjc.es>, <bastian@quilitz.de>
Hi all, Dan Brickley, Bastian Quilitz (HP Labs Bristol), Alex Polleres (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos) and I meet for lunch at ESWC Tuesday and discussed about database to RDF mapping, SPARQL endpoint descriptions and federated SPARQL queries. Dan Brickley has some connections to the MusicBrainz people and we discussed mapping their database to an SPARQL-endpoint, which might inspire some nice mashups. The problem is that D2R server currently answers all queries (including dump database) which opens up a wide gate for denial-of-service attacks. We want to fix this in the next version. Anybody good ideas for a "query capability restriction language"? Bastian Quilitz has implemented a version of ARQ which routes queries to different data sources. His code supports distributed joins. He is also working on a format for SPARQL-endpoint descriptions and promised to publish something about his work soon. He knows Richard Cyganiak and they want to hack a demo that answers SPARQL queries over several relational database which are mapped to SPARQL endpoints using D2R server. Maybe we can also reuse some of his work on SPARQL-endpoint descriptions for restricting query capabilities. We further discussed requirements for a SPARQL endpoint description language (there seams to be plenty). As TODOs, we agreed that everybody should add requirements and related work to the following two wiki pages: Database to RDF mapping http://esw.w3.org/topic/RdfAndSql SPARQL endpoint description http://esw.w3.org/topic/SparqlEndpointDescription Later, we want to aggregate the requirements into a set of evaluation criteria for comparing the different approaches. Dan, Alex and Bastian, did I forget something? Cheers Chris -- Chris Bizer Freie Universität Berlin Phone: +49 30 838 54057 Mail: chris@bizer.de Web: www.bizer.de
Received on Thursday, 15 June 2006 14:57:10 UTC