Re: Upcoming software switch for

ne 19. 1. 2025 v 11:04 odesílatel Alain Bourgeois <> napsal:

> >  Michiel.  Can you please say where the email addresses of the users are
> stored.  And are they, or have they ever been, shared with a 3rd party.
> The original promise was that it should only be used for recovery.
> Melvin,
> If served on pod creation, the initial email address in NSS is stored in
> the `.db` and in your `podRoot/.acl`. The email has never been shared with
> third party (you must believe the admin)
> The email used for recovery is the email stored in the podRoot/.acl (can
> have been changed or created after pod creation).
> The actual NSS user email is not used in the migration from NSS to CSS,
> and  CSS do not use the email stored in your `podRoot/.acl`

Thanks for the details! Just to double-check—during the move from NSS to
Pivot, can you confirm no user email addresses have been shared with third
parties? I vaguely recall "Sendgrid" being mentioned on a recent call
(though I might be mistaken). For full transparency during the migration,
could you clarify if they or similar services have ever had access to user
email addresses?

> Alain
> Le ven. 17 janv. 2025 à 18:21, Melvin Carvalho <>
> a écrit :
>> pá 17. 1. 2025 v 15:13 odesílatel Michiel de Jong <>
>> napsal:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I remember in 2019 starting to work for Inrupt and in my first weeks as
>>> an employee, talking about the switch from JavaScript to TypeScript for our
>>> main open source Solid server.
>>> Next week, we will finally be switching over
>>> to TypeScript.
>>> The technical details of the switch are in the capable hands of our
>>> server admin team, in particular Alain Bourgeois.
>>> The operational stewardship of lies with the
>>> ODI, in particular Jesse Wright.
>>> You can read the details of the migration in
>>> You can help by testing your account on
>>> You can join if
>>> you are noticing any issues you would like to report.
>>> Forum post:
>> Michiel.  Can you please say where the email addresses of the users are
>> stored.  And are they, or have they ever been, shared with a 3rd party.
>> The original promise was that it should only be used for recovery.
>>> Many thanks,
>>> Michiel de Jong
>>> Solid CG Co-chair

Received on Thursday, 23 January 2025 15:25:29 UTC