Mutual understanding between Solid CG and LWS WG regarding the input documents under Deliverables of LWS WG charter

Hi all, IANAL, and I'm speaking for myself, not on behalf of anyone.

It would be worthwhile to clarify a mutual understanding between the 
Solid CG and the LWS WG regarding the items listed as input documents in 
the LWS WG charter that have been Solid CG work items, e.g., the Solid 

Since the LWS WG charter mentions adopting the "Solid Protocol, latest 
published version (0.11.0) or Editor's Draft" and to 1) avoid potential 
deliberation on what was agreed and what was not, and 2) leave room for 
continuous improvements, the mutual understanding for the time being can 
be as follows:

* LWS WG understands that Solid CG may continue updating the Solid 
Protocol ED ( ).

* Solid CG understands that the LWS WG may adopt (or discard) changes 
made to the Solid Protocol ED.

That may seem evident in hindsight, but I can assure you that was the 
intention ( 


Received on Wednesday, 5 February 2025 22:38:23 UTC