Re: Solid update

čt 17. 10. 2024 v 16:58 odesílatel Tim Berners-Lee <> napsal:

> Dear Solid Community,
> I'm excited to announce that as of today, the Open Data Institute
> <> (ODI) will take responsibility for the organisation
> of the Solid Community. They are appropriately positioned, funded and
> aligned with the values of Solid to serve as the governing body for the
> Solid community - their long standing mission has been to build a world
> where data creates value while being stewarded ethically and safely.
> The Solid community is made up entirely of incredible volunteers. This has
> been an advantage in that each and every community member is incredibly
> passionate about Solid and committed to its success. It has also been a
> disadvantage in that there has been a lack of organisational stewardship
> that has made it difficult to always be effective and accomplish our goals.
> It also has had no bank account, so cannot pay fees like web hosting fees.
> In order to address this, the Solid team has discussed whether we can get
> governance of the Solid community to be funded or taken over by an entity
> that is already funded and staffed to properly support it. At the time, I
> promised to the Solid team that I would find a way to make this happen and
> have endeavoured to find a proper home for it and get us the support that
> the community needs.
> I hope that in providing an organisational ‘home’ for Solid, there will be
> an additional layer of support for you - the community - from practical
> support, to boosting the visibility of our mission. The ODI will be
> recruiting for a full-time Solid Lead, but in the interim, Jesse Wright
> will be the ODI’s Solid Lead. Please be in touch with
> and if you have suggestions
> regarding the ODI’s governance structure to ensure that the independence of
> the Solid community is preserved.
> Thank you for your continued work and curation of the Solid movement. I
> look forward to our continued work together and I am really excited for the
> future.

Thanks so much, Tim! This sounds like a really positive step forward for
the community. I think the fresh support from ODI will give Solid the
organizational boost it’s been needing. Looking forward to hearing more
from Jesse and seeing how things unfold

> Tim

Received on Thursday, 17 October 2024 15:09:35 UTC