Re: Inviting volunteer self-nominations for Solid CG co-chair empty seat

On 2024-11-21 10:03, Michiel de Jong wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Thanking Virginia for her service, and in adherence to our charter 
> ( < 
> community/solid/charter/>), Hadrian and I would like to invite each of 
> you to consider volunteering as a Solid CG co-chair, for a 2 year cycle 
> of service as defined by our charter. Since this chairing year is 
> already ending in a few weeks from now, there will be no interim 
> chair. For more information about CG chairs, see 
> community/solid/charter/#chairs < 
> charter/#chairs>.

The charter explains that an interim vacancy occurs when a chair steps 
down before the natural end of their "2 year cycle of service".

Virginia Balseiro was appointed on 2023-12-23, meaning her natural cycle 
was set to end on 2025-12-22. The same holds true for the current chairs 
( ).

The premise you're building on is not aligned with the charter. The 
charter states ( ):

 >In the case of interim vacancy, the remaining chairs may appoint a 
co-chair for each open seat, hold an election for the same, or wait 
until the next election, at their discretion. If the chairs do not take 
any action, the seat will automatically be up for election in any cycle. 
Any such interim appointments or elections shall hold the seat until the 
end of its natural cycle.

The options available are as follows:

* the CG can continue with two chairs until 2025-12-22, or
* the current chairs can appoint a third interim chair to serve until 
2025-12-22, or
* the current chairs can hold an election to fill the third co-chair 
seat until 2025-12-22 (see also "multiple nominees").

Regardless of the option, there will be an election for all three chair 
seats, with new terms (expected to) starting on 2025-12-23.

If you wish to set up an election now, that is of course still within 
the rights of the honourable chairs...


Received on Thursday, 21 November 2024 09:58:56 UTC