WebID CG is looking for a (co-)chair

Just in case anyone here is interested, WebID CG is looking for a
(co-)chair to help us finish some definition work and modernization work.


We dont currently have a candidate, and since there were 5 people for 3
slots, kindly offering to volunteer in solid, perhaps someone here might
like to help out with WebID, which, as you know, has a close relationship
to Solid.

WebID is not hugely active, and if we dont find a chair in the next few
week, the group may have to shut down after 10+ years.  IMHO that would be
a shame.

I've started a thread here, feel free to reply, or to create a new topic:


Best Wishes and Happy Easter!

Received on Wednesday, 27 March 2024 10:51:26 UTC