Re: files or database for solid pods [Was: Towards Solid Lite]

Le Tue, Oct 31, 2023 at 01:52:50PM +0100, Melvin Carvalho a écrit :
> Now I need a whole data base infrastructure of use cases that dont require
> merging.  Such as storing a document.

Here is a document:

:mydoc a ex:Document ;
       dc:title "Trick or Treats" ;
       ex:bytes <>.
> Saving a note.

Here is a note:

:mynote a ex:Note ;
        dc:title "What's in a note" ;
	ex:content "this is a short note".
> Then there are things which a triple store cant do.  Such as saving my
> family photos.

Here is a photo collection:

:myphotocollection a ex:PhotoCollection ;
    dc:title "Nicolas' photo collection".

:photo1 a ex:Photo ;
    dc:date "2023-10-31" ;
    dc:description "Me with a phantom mask" ;
    ex:bytes <> ;
    ex:partOf :myphotocollection.
:photo2 a ex:Photo ;
    dc:date "2023-10-31" ;
    dc:description "Me eating candies" ;
    ex:bytes <file:///~/photos/89/890xyz765opq> ;
    ex:partOf :myphotocollection.
:photo3 a ex:Photo ;
    dc:date "2023-10-31" ;
    dc:description "Me running away from zombies" ;
    ex:bytes <urn:mysolidpod:ABC345WhateverIdAllowsToGetItBackSomeway> ;
    ex:partOf :myphotocollection.
> Storing a song or playlist.  Uploading a video.

You get the idea.

That "everything is a FileSystem containing Documents/Bytes" assertion
does not strike me as obviously truer than "everything is a small
graph and some attributes are pointing to bytes".

Am I missing something ?

Nicolas Chauvat - services en informatique scientifique et gestion de connaissances  

Received on Tuesday, 31 October 2023 16:41:04 UTC