Re: Reviewing solid formal objection (9) -- broadening the scope of the group

Dear all.

my technical english, my experience, my CV and my DEIT-background seem to  
be too much to handle.
I don't wanna stand in the way.

I cannot lead meetings.
I have two servers but am content to run them privately.

I have a stressful life with mental issues (I don't wanna hide behind that)
but it just seems to be too much to handle for me.

Admittedly it was a roller coaster the last days but my self esteem as  
well as my lacking practicing code as junior doesn't allow it.

I am content to live a life as psychonaut.
I step back.

sorry. I still maintain the sites and keep them actual and participate in  
the chat.
sorry again. no offensive language in this text, do I see that right ?


Am 11.10.2023, 17:27 Uhr, schrieb Melvin Carvalho  

> Reviewing the formal objections to the solid charter I was trying to
> understand this one better.
> In particular, I didnt fully parse what "all ideas proposing solutions"
> means in the context beneath
> text:
> "broaden the scope of the group, do not restrict the solution space (9,  
> FO)
> PAC: it would be better if the group address the problem and bring to the
> table all ideas proposing the solutions."
> Would be great if anyone can shed some light on this

Matthias Evering (@ewingson)

Received on Wednesday, 11 October 2023 15:48:58 UTC