Re: Solid: An Explainer

ne 26. 11. 2023 v 17:29 odesílatel Harshvardhan J. Pandit <>

> Hi.
> This is okay as an explainer (non-normative) text. I don't want to spend
> time being nitpicky here - I see the key phrase being "determine ... how
> it is used and shared", the rest I leave to the editors.
> However, I do not believe Solid currently has this (technical)
> capability for determination beyond access control. So it is important
> for the community to agree to this text/phrasing and the vision that the
> text represents, and only then disseminate this to the wider world for
> what Solid is supposed to be (as opposed to what it is).

For context, the audience is the W3C TAG based on their review of solid:

"We encourage everything that comes for TAG review to include an explainer.
Your explainer is a living document that describes the current state of
your proposed web platform feature, or collection of features. In the early
phases of design, this may be as simple as a collection of goals and a
sketch of one possible solution. As your work progresses, the explainer can
help facilitate multi-stakeholder discussion and consensus-building. The
TAG would really value an explainer for each of the various pieces proposed
here, with user stories and details about the relationship to existing work
and considered alternatives."

I agree it's valuable to come to a community consensus on the vision before
moving to a Working Group.  Issue is that there might not be one *single*

> Regards,
> Harsh
> On 26/11/2023 15:55, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> > "Data Control and Privacy
> >
> > A hallmark of Solid is its focus on user-directed data privacy. This
> > goes beyond simply managing access to data. Users possess the authority
> > not only to decide who can access their data but also to determine how
> > it is used and shared with others. This expanded scope of control
> > emphasizes the importance of understanding both the "who" and the "why"
> > in data usage, thus enhancing privacy and data security on the web. This
> > approach aligns with Solid's vision of a more user-centric web
> > experience, where individuals have a significant say in the lifecycle of
> > their data."
> >
> > If you have some suggestions I can change the text.
> --
> ---
> Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Ph.D
> Assistant Professor
> ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University

Received on Sunday, 26 November 2023 16:34:59 UTC