Re: Solid CG and Social CG joint meeting

Ășt 7. 11. 2023 v 13:44 odesĂ­latel Sarven Capadisli <> napsal:

> Hi all,
> Following the call for a Social and Solid CGs joint meeting:
> *
> *
> I've created a poll to schedule:
> and proposed an open draft agenda:
> Suggestions for alternatives dates and topics for the agenda are
> encouraged. Hope everyone can vote, comment, and edit. Please let me
> know otherwise.
> Looking forward to this meeting :)

Worth looking at Tantek's review of the Solid WG Charter here:

I dont always agree with Tantek, but this is a decent review, which
mentions overlaps between Social CG and Solid


* Personal Data Stores problem being addressed by existing W3C RECs adopted
by the market, which implies there is potentially a different (better)
problem space for a new WG (Social & Personal Web & Data):
_* ActivityPub + ActivityStreams2
_* MicroPub + microformats2

We wrote the first Solid spec (well Andrei did) during the SWWG, with
strong nudging from Tantek.

Over time IMHO there has been idea drift towards personal online datastores
(PODs) and away from the original concept of Solid = Social Linked Data.
The authors of the charter need to work out whether they want to be in the
Social Web space, or the Personal Data Storage space.

I believe it's very possible to take a specific subset of Solid and create
a set of micro services (which im calling microfed right now) and have it
interoperate fully with AP.

Same technique could also be applied to work with the indieweb specs (RECs
+ Notes + new work).

> -Sarven

Received on Thursday, 9 November 2023 21:04:20 UTC