Re: Towards Solid Lite

čt 2. 11. 2023 v 15:49 odesílatel Kingsley Idehen <>

> Hi David,
> On 11/2/23 9:25 AM, David Mason wrote:
> > WebID. I don't think it's widely used and as-is maybe not appropriate
> > to a contemporary solution, though I understand its emphasis on linked
> > data.
> A WebID is an identifier used to name the subject of a profile document.
> It is first an foremost an identifier for naming agents.
> WebID-TLS is one of many protocols that can be used to authenticate
> credentials expressed in a profile document to which a WebID resolves.
> Resolution can be implicit, courtesy of an "#" based fragment id tacked
> on to a profile page url or explicitly via content negotiation.
> Unfortunately, WebID has been mired in the same terminology conflation
> woes that have afflicted RDF (and related matters) at large.
> Increasingly, courtesy of Google's push, many webpages ( HTML
> docs) are simply evolving into profile documents i.e., this generally
> misunderstood concept is quietly becoming mainstream -- even though SEO
> using (i.e., Semantic SEO) is the prime driver.

There is a principle of "modularity" at play here.  WebID itself can be
tied to many different authentication systems, and put together like lego
bricks.  This was the original idea behind orthogonal specs in the web

See the principle of design of the web:

"Its is not only necessary to make sure your own system is designed to be
made of modular parts. It is also necessary to realize that your own
system, no matter how big and wonderful it seems now, should always be
designed to be a part of another larger system."

Another quote from Tim Berners-Lee I think sums it up nicely:

"The way the Web spread was a piece at a time. So you could take html
without taking http. So the failure of NEXT was a lesson, don’t try to
sell it all at one time. Sell each piece on its own merits. Never
insist that everybody take all. They will take all the pieces once
they see how it fits together."

I think it's an approach that can work well both with the web and with
Solid Lite.  So that Solid can spread in the same way that the original web
was spread, resulting in more choice for the end user.

> --
> Regards,
> Kingsley Idehen
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Received on Thursday, 2 November 2023 16:13:55 UTC