Re: Gitter Service ends Feb 6th

I believe the gitter switch over is today

I have given Matrix/Element a deep dive in the last few days, and I will
admit that it has exceeded my expectations

We've not managed, as a group, to find an agreed Solid chat area where we
can test out solid, and use our own apps.  However, that could be a goal in
the future.

A way to log in to matrix is to do a search for the room that you want, and
select "" in the drop down menu (top right on element)

While matrix is not as webby as gitter, in terms of bookmarkable HTTP URIs,
however it has an adequate feature set and User Experience. In addition, it
provides an efficient way for groups to collaborate on new projects without
too much overhead.

I'd recommend giving matrix a try, and hopefully we could create a group
that would like to try out solid, solidos, solid chat etc. as it matures.

I believe the matrix branded gitter will be here:

so 4. 2. 2023 v 21:47 odesílatel Melvin Carvalho <>

> út 17. 1. 2023 v 17:08 odesílatel Matthias Evering <> napsal:
>> Am 17.01.2023, 15:31 Uhr, schrieb Melvin Carvalho
>> <> something.
>> Dear all.
>> unfortunately the username "" is blacklisted.
>> but we can do that creation manual.
>> let's take this discussion either on a github issue or in a Solid long
>> chat.
>> therefor I have created
> Thanks for putting this together:
> I wasnt able to get in with my webid, so I've signed up at solidweb with a
> new webid
> When I log in (firefox and chrome) I can see a bunch of people have
> already joined
> But I am unsure how to see the chat or add a message:
> My new WebID:
> [image: image.png]
>> we already have gathered some opinions and I want to assure myself a
>> rough
>> consensus before taking further action.
>> maybe the point of time is indeed good to begin the own dogfood thang
>> philosphy.
>> I will help with anything I got.
>> will someone try that chat out to see if there are problems / take the
>> word to gitter or github ?
>> kind regards,
>> --
>> Matthias Evering (@ewingson)

Received on Monday, 6 February 2023 06:54:30 UTC