Re: Solid CG Chair Election 2023: Ballots

Congratulations to Hadrian, Virginia and Michiel.

we had an open election and the democratic process did succeed.
nonetheless Inrupt might have been overrepresented, they are kindof our  
mother company.

I feel comfortable being a server maintainer, observer and follow the chat  
on a daily base, and really hope I can provide a NSS and a CSS instance in  
a stable, productive way for a future that might be thought of in a long  

let me mention, I don't think I need a formal role (not even a socalled  
"buddy"), which would have been the model I had preferred.
let's keep positive, follow our code of conduct and make sure, the CG has  
a safe passage in the next year(s) to a good teamwork with the WG and a  
possible 1.0.

all the best, kind regards

Matthias Evering (@ewingson)

Received on Thursday, 14 December 2023 18:31:31 UTC