Re: Towards Solid Lite

On Tue, Dec 05, 2023 at 11:08:45AM +0100, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
>    Solid lite is still very small, so it would make sense to reuse as much of
>    the work from the test suite as possible.** Also the test suite team might
>    have some views on the evolution.** Not opposed to different testing
>    strategies, but there needs to be someone to do the work, and we are
>    thinly spread, at this point.

I totally get that, this is very side of desk for me, which is why I'd hope
there is a reasonable limit to how much getting started takes a person off
their path.

I think Solid Lite is going to best grow by becoming more accessible, without
duplicating effort. There are many levels of specs, and many many different
processes and nuances to understand. That's why a re-usable extract of the
larger test suite would be helpful. Pete already outlined a way to extract
that, but it's a complex opinionated approach that just tells me to work on
something else.

Getting a little off track here, but I feel like without trying really hard to
describe in an approachable and useful way to end users and developers what's
happening, we're just making things more murky and less accessible and in a
sense capturing it, "for monks only." This prose level of tests seems like a
great jumping off point, using a "notebooks" approach, and also hopefully
bundle the implementation without too much boilerplate in the repo.

This is what it looks like, to me:

But that's just me, and a wider approach I'm trying to work toward of
describing and mapping what users are subjected to. I'm not in a position to
create work for anyone, however, I think reusable artifacts that clearly link
in a verifable way to other artifacts would be generally very useful.  

Thanks for listening. (-:

This is more of an implementation detail, but regarding the authx discussion,
I'm wondering if a good way to punt would be a pod-level flag for access
control, where the user would have multiple pods with clear controls. To
paraphrase user/authn'd/world;

rwx/---/---, rwx/r-x/r--, rwx/rw-/---, rwx/r--/---, rwx/rwx/r-x, rwx/-w-/---,

Where in some cases authn is only useful for logging. This would be safer to
implement and understand, including with pluggable stores.


Received on Tuesday, 5 December 2023 13:49:11 UTC