Re: New Scientist - We want our internet back

On Fri, Aug 5, 2016 at 1:29 AM, Melvin Carvalho
<> wrote:
> Many of the people in this group who have represented the point of view of
> linked data imho have been treated dismissively, or sometimes with
> hostility.

Can you support this humble opinion with evidence?

My position on LD/RDF is that it is clearly a useful tool for many
people who lie it as an abstraction; those people can process web
pages with it, and generate new web pages for others to see which is a
splendid thing.

Where you see resistance is when it is suggested to replace entire
working protocol stacks with multiple interoperable implementations
with something that is slightly more convenient for such LD backends.

> I just dont think its in the DNA of most people in the LD community to
> operate in such an environment, and many have understandably reduced
> participation or walked away.

You are saying there is an RDF gene? A remarkable claim that requires
remarkable evidence.

> As a result the group lost the balance that was achieved during the XG.

I have no idea what this sentence means, or how it follows from an
assertion of genetic determinism.

> This is a shame because the technology we have in this group, if working
> together, is capable of solving hard use cases and giving the large social
> silos a run for their money.

The technology in this group is working together for the most part.
Maybe the upcoming calls focused on can help document and
converge further.

Received on Friday, 5 August 2016 16:07:22 UTC