Re: Clarify objections to JSON [was Re: Getting the group back on track]

On 10/25/2015 04:48 PM, Jason Robinson wrote:
> On 25.10.2015 10:11, elf Pavlik wrote:
>> On 10/25/2015 12:09 AM, Jason Robinson wrote:
>>> Hi James,
>>> Yes, I meant the vocab. For object types, diaspora* currently supports,
>>> from the AS2 vocab, Image, Question, Place, Mention, Profile. Events
>>> support will come at some point. For actual status messages, I'm
>>> hesitant to say which object would be used. Note, Article and Content
>>> seem very similar - and in diaspora* everything is just a status
>>> message, whether short one liner or a 30K char markdown formatted blog
>>> post. I guess Note might still be the right one. Likely incoming parsing
>>> would squash all three as the same. I guess a comment would just be
>>> Content|Note|Article with an "inReplyTo" attribute.
>> You mentioned markdown, I remember that Amy also uses it. Does diaspora
>> send textual content as plain text, makrdown, html or allows specifying
>> syntax used in the content?
> Everything is stored "as is", so markdown is stored as markdown, html
> (the limited tags that are supported) as html. There is only one type of
> status message to choose from and one can format it as one likes.
> Various formats (markdown, html, special stuff like mentions, tags) are
> then rendered to html in the UI.

I guess you must pass every message through markdown rendering and if it
just uses limited html it simply doesn't get affected by that. Otherwise
having no explicit knowledge if someone used markdown, you would need to
try detecting it. Which flavor of markdown Diaspora uses? Maybe ?

Received on Sunday, 25 October 2015 20:10:25 UTC