AS2 media type (was: Re: Open Github Issues)

On 2015-10-19 15:37, James M Snell wrote:
> We have had a number of open github issues. I recommend closing the following:
> #52 - "New media type or application/ld+json plus profile" -
>    This one has been around for a while. There was a concern brought up
> about the creation of the application/activity+json media type and
> whether or not AS2 should use the application/ld+json media type with
> a profile parameter. The concern is that use of the
> application/activity+json media type could harm interoperability.
>    In my opinion, the concern is largely theoretical and is not backed
> by real implementation experience. There is nothing to be gained by
> switching to using the application/ld+json media type. Nor is there
> anything "broken" about using the "application/activity+json". 
awaits your response. 
awaits your response.

And good documentation here:

"it does not break anything" doesn't come across as a convincing 
argument to me because using application/json will work just fine.

application/activity+json will only help you to know that the content 
which comes along will resemble the use of the AS2 vocabulary. It still 
won't tell you which JSON convention is used, and so it will require 
special processing.

The AS2 Serialization Notes essentially says that if you don't use the 
JSON-LD convention, well, take these measures so that we can sensibly 
end up with JSON-LD any way. I find it odd that we are dancing around 
the JSON-LD convention (a W3C Rec with decent adoption), but not just 
committing to it because we want to allow arbitrary JSON conventions 
(which is a fine thing to do in and of itself) but still map to JSON-LD.

IMO, the arguments for reusing application/json or application/ld+json 
outweigh inventing application/activity+json.


Received on Monday, 19 October 2015 21:03:31 UTC